Nivedita Nilayam


One who is not satisfied with the regular life (i.e eat drink & marry), who has quest for the meaning of life , whos have question arising in his mind  about a social structure in which peaceful human-life is possible-this type of young men set out away from the beaten track. They need a place where their multiple questions find satisfactory solutions and where they get clues, company and courage to work for the society and a life of their dream. Nivedita Nilayam is the place created for this purpose : we call it the house of dreamy seeking youth. ‘Me & Mine’ – attached with the body is not only my family. My responsibility should not be limited to this but extended. Total nature as well as human society in world is my family.

To obtain this type of broad vision there are some important things which are taught in this Centre directly or indirectly. 
Simple living & high thinking is the main thing in this place. Their community life includes:
1) physical labour at the fields, spinning, clothes, kitchen work etc.
2) Prayer, Meditation & Yoga.
3) Taking interest in each others progress towards their distinct goals.
4) Working for about 10 villages around towards better human conditions and better human relations.
        All of them thus slowly get commited to holistic living and getting into silent but concened communication with plants, birds, beasts, and all the five elements that work for human life, i.e. Space-air-Light-Water and earth.
      When young Men strted this kind of co-living in great mutual love and co-operation, their common discussion brought them face-to-face with the questions ‘Whi Iam I’  and ‘What I meant to do’? Soul search in their spirituality and conscienceand also expected them to probleams-local, national, international. This prompted their drive towards social service.       

It was in the year 1985, which was declared youth-Year. That Geetai  mission an instutue established by saint Vinobha Bhave in 1972, thought it will give time exclusively for collage youth that one year. All India youth camps were held. From which many young men were electrified  and dicided to live community life.  A friend in Wardha offered 22acres of land 5 miles away from Wardha Rly station and the Youth Center started in 1990.  A totally barren stony land to-day shines green with the preparation of youths. We have a bore well an open well, One of our friends has also inserted a rain water reserve tank.

         We have a meetings place, a guest house, a cowshed and a kitchen. One residential building with 8 rooms & two halls a small place for prayer & Meditation with a Vishnu temple, and a room for office near the main gate leave a great ground in between for different purposes. 

Take-off :
Each of the youth is provided with a bicycle, so that he can take advantage to go to near-by craft centers for their varied trainings i.e spinning, & weaving to prepare low cost housing & toilets, organic agriculture, cowshedproducts, Jungle Products, etc. Over the last 25 years, about 250 young men involved themselves in this search. All of them were qualified. Each of them has his own circle of friends or partners of work and each has specialized in one of th e following activites. 

1) The Geeta Pravachan Golden jubilee souvenir come to be an artistic work which was also easy to study. Five thousand copies were distributed amoungest the college students.
2) After extracting various important topics scattered around in the Geeta Pravachan, 12 small booklets were published.
3) A translation in Gujrati language containing an individual verse with commentary was published. A translation in assamese language was also published of which thougends of cpoipes were sold.
4) An exhibitions iof 36 large paining on the Geeta Pravachan was prepared.
5) A melodious cassette of the geeta was released.
6) A folder containing 12 drawings on the “ Gau Raksha” (Cow Protection) was published in all languages, to the magnitude of 6 lakh copies.
7) Several other small publications came into existence with a view to import good values and loving exchanges.
8) Two exclusive souvennirs on the Geetai and  the padyatrea of gade guruji were published.
9) Reports on the All India Geeta conferences were published for each conference, held once in three years.
10) Various articles and study notes were distributed amoung the youth. For the purpose of discussion sessions in colleges, brain trust ideas  were composed in English.
11) The all India films Division released a documentary called “Sthitapragya Drshan” .
12) Brail script of Geetai was published for blinds.
13) A pictorial Bal Geeta was published in Gujrati, English, And Udiya languages.
14) A Souvenir on the Geetai Amrit Mahotsava and a work report, both were published .
15) Isavasya  Upnishad.
16) Katha Geeta Janmandir.
17) Geeta – a peace song.

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